Monday, 7th February - 02:00 pm
The marriage is over and my bro and I decided to catch some sleep in the lodge. Unfortunately, that was not meant to be. My uncle (father's bro) and another family friend (who my father loves to call my future father-in-law. Seems, one day he called up home to 'book' me for his daughter. My father explained to him that he'll publish it in the papers when we are open for applications!) were giving us company and talking some family gossip. My uncle was trying his best to get my FFIL (future father-in-law) for joining him that night for a couple of drinks. Firstly, my FFIL is scared of his wife a LOT, and hence he's scared of my dad coz my dad knows his wife really well and my dad likes to think that he wants to leave a positive impression with me coz I am going to be his son in law. So, my FFIL takes up a new lovely strategy to tell me it's ok that he drinks
- He tells me first how my dad did it all the time when he was young but quickly adds how he's stopped completely and occasionally smokes once in a rare while. So, if my dad did it, it can't be that bad.
- He then tells me how back in the 70s when he was young, it was ok to drink and only real jerks, who couldn't find any company, managed not to swing a glass or two at nights. HE then adds, how my generation is really great in that aspect and how focussed we are about our career (tell me about it!)
- He drew the line of difference between drunkards who beat up their wives and him who drinks only when he finds company. Those guys are BAD guys! how could someone! terrible!
- He then goes on to add, how parents then didn't really bother too much about them, how they studied, and when they were home, and hence they were able to do all this 'nonsense' while parents these days are much more concerned.
- He then comes to the old adage that having it in limited quantities is actually good for health and he always knows his limit.
After sometime, my brother just manages to stifle his laughter and I think I have had enough So, I tell him how my friends in BITS sometimes take a peg or two before going for a test and how I am totally ok with it. He seemed visibly relieved but added that I shouldn't talk about it to my dad :)
That was a take off from five pointer someone. couldn't think of anything more outrageous and couldn't mention what our Don you-know-who used to do before going for his tests!
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